At Bantry Dental, as part of our commitment to delivering exceptional care, we use the best technology to ensure the aesthetics, accuracy & comfort of all our treatments.
A Rubber Dam is a thin rubber shield which sits over a tooth and prevents saliva, the cheeks, lips & tongue from contacting the area that the dentist is working on. Patients find the Rubber Dam very comfortable & reassuring as they don’t need to worry about the constant spray of water from the drill & swallowing debris from old mercury fillings & decayed teeth. In order for biomimetic materials to bond/stick effectively to the natural tooth, a clean, dry working environment is necessary, and this is achieved successfully by placing a rubber dam on the affected tooth, thus giving predictable successful results which result in longer lasting restorations. Dr. Claire O’ Connor teaches hands-on Rubber -Dam courses to other dentists in Ireland & the UK.
High magnification (X6) allows us to see more details in the tooth, for precise, minimally invasive treatment.
Our Medit i700 digital scanner allows us to scan teeth digitally, instead of using traditional, messy, uncomfortable impressions, saving patients time spent in the chair & improving accuracy.
Our Rayplicker Spectrophotometer offers objective, reliable colour analysis of teeth, thus ensuring optimum shade matches for all cosmetic treatments like composite fillings & ceramic veneers.
The use of Advanced Digital Photography as an aid to digital X-Rays aids in the diagnosis of dental diseases like cracks & decay. We also find that Dental Photography is an invaluable tool in patient communication. We can show you step-by-step photos, if you so wish to know more about any procedure.
Biomimetic Density of Ireland
Bio-Emulation Member – Dr. Claire is 1 of 100 selected worldwide members, representing Ireland. Bio-Emulation is based on many years of research in the field of Biomimetic Dentistry. Its core concept is to restore teeth to full function & aesthetics by biomimetically emulating nature.
Dr. Claire O’Connor ~ Biomimetic Dentist
Bio-Emulation ~ Ireland Representative
Dr. Claire O’Connor – Biomimetic Dentistry Ireland at Bantry Dental
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